August 27, 2022

Walking Miracles

Please add this worship song to your online church sermon, morning devotion, or evening quiet time.
Today’s song is “Healing Miracles” performed by Matthew West

“But Jesus looked at them and said to them, ‘With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.’”
Matthew 19:26 (NKJV)

“I am the Lord, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?”
Jeremiah 32:27 (NIV)

Today’s song is “Miracles!” performed by Casting Crowns featuring a young boy that, at three weeks, suffered a stroke, but today, in his teenage years, he lives, breathes and thrives as a precious child of God; these miracles happen every day.

I mentioned a few weeks ago how I love a testimony.  I suppose it makes sense that I equally love a miracle.  Since our testimony is often hand in hand with God’s miracles upon our lives, working to transform our lives into something beautiful, it is not a wonder how both the testimony and miracle are incredible and awe-inspiring.

Miracles, we are surrounded by them.  We are indeed living, breathing, walking miracles.  The heavens, galaxy, solar system, earth, sun, moon and stars.  Man, woman, the birth of a baby, the moth that turns into a butterfly, the giraffe, with its long neck that helps to regulate its body temperature, migration of birds.  All we need to do is look at nature and witness each animal and creature with their amazing unique design and we witness the miracles of our Creator.

What about the unexpected miracle when the money showed up in just the nick of time to pay the rent?  The job offer just before the house was to foreclose, a loved one healed of disease, the marriage restored, or the wayward child returned home safe and sound; these miracles are all around us if we want to see and believe in God’s guidance, interventions, and miracles.  Miracles of life, love, health, family.

We read of the countless miracles found in the Bible, such as Jesus’ claims of the coin in the fish’s mouth, Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead, feeding the five thousand, turning water to wine, the blind given sight, and the lame to walk.  Jesus rising from the dead, forgiveness, and life everlasting.  The miracle of the bible, its perfection, beauty, and accuracy, every chapter pointing to the life of Jesus Christ and His Kingdom.

Sometimes the miracles we experience are immense and overwhelming. Other times they come as whispers from God.  I see miracles in my life all the time; it is not that I am looking for them, but these miracles, when presented, are undeniable, amazing, and affirming of the love of our Father, the provisions that He makes for us, and the good gifts that He is always ready to give to each of us.

“Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone?  Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake?  If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!”
Matthew 7:9-11

These miracles are too often overlooked or taken for granted.  Unfortunately, many believe that the stars aligned, there was a big bang, or they just got lucky or were in the right place at the right time.

As Christians, how could we believe in luck, a chance or bang when we know the power and glory of the Almighty God, Alpha and Omega, the great I AM?

Although it is hard to see at the time how marvellous we look back over our lives and see how He guides, protects, and makes provisions with His mighty hand.  How each of His miracles, over the years, add up to work out for our good and the advancement of His kingdom.

“As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good. To bring it about, many people should be kept alive, as they are today.”
Genesis 50:20 (ESV)

If you are in need of a miracle or of His healing touch today, please do not give up, be encouraged, call upon Him today, He will hear your prayer.  He is a miracle worker, and proof of this is witnessed in the miracles that surround us each day.  God is always ready and willing to give us the best as He loves each of His children.

“For the Lord God is a sun and shield; The Lord will give grace and glory; No good thing will He withhold From those who walk uprightly.”
Psalm 84:11 (NIV)

To conclude, we can be assured, if He does not answer our prayers as we hope and expect we can depend on the truth that He has something better in store for us for He is a good, good, Father.

Hallelujah, we are walking, living, breathing, miracles!
Hallelujah, no circumstance or situation is impossible for our Father’s healing touch!
Hallelujah, we serve a God still in the business of miracles today!
Hallelujah, Jesus Christ may be magnified through the works of His Hands.

In Christ,

If this Song of Praise was a blessing and encouragement to you, if you know someone who needs comfort, encouragement or hope, or someone who loves to sing and dance with Contemporary Christian Music, please contact me.

Walking Miracles

Let me tell you ’bout William, he’s been fighting battles since day one
The doctors said his life was over, yeah, before it had begun
They said he’d never walk, but now he walks
They said he’d never talk, but now he talks
I guess you could say (I guess you could say)
He’s a living, breathing, walking miracle

And there’s Veronica, with a sign in the second row
Said, “Even Cancer couldn’t stop me from coming to your show”
I guess I never thought, we’d meet again
But the very next year, we met again
I guess you could say (I guess you could say)
She’s a living, breathing, walking miracle

Oh, they’re all around us everywhere we go
The proof that we should never give up hope
‘Cause we serve a God who turns impossible
Into living, breathing, walking miracles

This is for the fighter (the fighter) who’s celebrating six months clean
For the marriage that was over, but somehow God redeemed
Anyone who’s been up, against the odds
Just to find out, there is a God
Who’s making us all
Living, breathing, walking miracles

Let me tell you ’bout you, yeah, you
Do you know that you’re amazing?
A one in a million masterpiece that’s in the making
You might think, ‘not me’
But every single breath, that you breathe is saying you are
A living, breathing, walking miracle, yeah

Source: Musixmatch
Songwriters: Matthew West / Aj Pruis
Walking Miracles lyrics © Highly Combustible Music,
Two Story House Music, One77 Songs, Combustion Five,
Third Story House Music

May we grow together in the love of Christ to reflect upon the mercies and blessings upon our lives, to feel the presence of God’s living Holy Spirit through worship to sing, pray, laugh, dance, cry, but mostly to praise our Lord and Father as we were indeed created2praise.