About Created2Praise
Isaiah 43:7 (NKJV)
“Everyone who is called by My name, whom I created for My glory; I have formed him, yes, I have made him.”
Why Did I Create this Site?
I began sharing inspirational contemporary Christian music during the beginning days of March 2020. Since our church was shut down, I felt the need to support and comfort my church choir, family, and friends, that had been very special to me over the years. I came up with the idea to offer a weekly contemporary or sometimes traditional Christian praise song to go along with my friend’s morning/evening devotion, online message, or weekly moment of praise. With this music selection, I added my thoughts regarding the music’s message, perhaps the artist, its relevance to our lives today, and our Father’s mercies and love towards each of us. Knowing that many found themselves alone, isolated, confused, frustrated, and angry with what was going on with and around them and their loved ones, I thought having a song sent out weekly might offer comfort, hope, assurance, peace, and affirmation of our Father’s love and continued provisions even through our most difficult seasons.
I believe we live in a self-concerned and motivated society that is often happy to take our money, time, and resources from us. If I could be an instrument of our Father’s selfless love by delivering a positive message and bringing a moment of praise and worship into others’ lives for a few minutes each week with no expectation, I would be happy to do so.
Over the decades, I have been involved in the music ministry of various churches. I have had the privilege to lead traditional music and be at the forefront of introducing contemporary music from the 70s to today, 2021. In the first days, we played music by J. W. Peterson, Don Wyrtzen, the Gaithers, Keith Green, Amy Grant, Michael W Smith, today’s artist, Darlene Zuskow, Elevation Worship, Chris Tomlin, and Canadian artist Matt Maher.
During the many years of music ministry, I have learned that music is powerful; it can break down walls we create, bring unlikely people together, soften our hearts, teach biblical truths of our Father’s love, sacrifice, redemption plan of salvation, enable the indescribable presence of the Holy Spirit within our Praise and Worship, and most importantly allow us to give praise and honour to our Heavenly Father.
I believe the Holy Spirt was at work in the composers of inspirational songs from generations of old and alive today in inspiring current artists with new contemporary songs being introduced to a new generation. I am happy to include old musical favourites, How Great Thou Art, Great is thy Faithfulness, new contemporary music, Way Maker, Amazing Grace (My Chains are Gone) and everything in between, if we allow it, can spark a spirit of praise and worship to our Heavenly Father for all that He has done for us in each of us.
My intention is not to dazzle as a great preacher, theologian, or writer (this will be clear) but as an everyday person trying to bring comfort, hope, peace and joy to everyone I can. I hope to point you to praise songs that can help you as they do me, sing, pray, and praise our Lord and Creator. My heart desires that you come back over and over to this website, to your favourite praise song for encouragement, for comfort, to reflect upon the mercies and blessings upon your life, to feel the presence of our God’s living Holy Spirt through worship, to sing, pray, laugh, dance, cry, but mostly to praise our Lord and Father as we were indeed created2praise.
The idea to create this music blog site came from a nudge from the Holy Spirit. I am not sure how it will be received, but if this endeavour encourages you to be moved by the Holy Spirit for a work He has set out for you, please let me know. I will be thrilled to hear of your promptings and offer encouragement.
I also understand we come from many religious institutes and backgrounds; I realize what I write of and believe may be different from your understandings and teachings, but I hope in such cases, this blog will prompt each of us to think about what we believe and allow us each to search for our promptings from the Holy Spirit as well strengthen our faith and relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ.

About Founder/Blogger Lou-Anne Mayville
I began my musical journey at four years of age. “I can honestly tell you that I do not remember a time that I was not playing the piano.” My first song chorded from the Hymnbook was “Sweet Hour of Prayer.”
My first cantata (long musical) that I played for was at the age of eleven at a small-town Baptist Church. Funny story, probably from excitement and a few nerves, we performed the musical in record time, probably safe to say with few if at all many tender moments. Still, I did not lack my piano proficiency and eagerness to perform. From this point forward, I performed two musicals yearly and played the piano alongside my mom as she was the organist and music director of the church; our entire family was involved in the music at that hometown church. At the age of twelve, I played for Sunday School each week. I am sure my accompaniment would have been a little rough, but the Sunday School teachers seemed happy to have me fill the void; I would ultimately develop skills for my next musical endeavour. At around fifteen years of age, I began a small junior choir; we had many opportunities to sing in morning services and yearly musicals; once again, I would now learn directing skills to set me up for my next stage in life.
At the age of 19, I attended the local university, began a piano teaching career, and took on the role of Music Director and Pianist at a Presbyterian Church in Windsor, Ontario (1980-2000.)
During these years, I developed as a church music director leading the church choir in cantatas and performing in junior choir musicals. As early on, we established a contemporary worship style of praise team style with enthusiastic congregation participation. This contemporary style of praise team was becoming popular in the more contemporary church. Our church was certainly a shining light of how this style could bring Spirit-filled worship to a worship service.
At this same time, I began my university studies with the study of the organ, but soon found my passion when I transferred my studies to a four-year Honours Piano Performance Degree.
After the end of this era, I had the opportunity to become involved in a large-scale local church. However, I realized the immense talent within this big church and felt that I could make a greater difference with a smaller church in the county. I accepted the Music Director position in a United Church within Essex County. (2000-2020) During the past 20 years was able to introduce contemporary Christian music to an eager choir and congregation. It did not take long to establish a choir that would grow over the years. Again, we brought the praise team worship style to the congregation that willingly embraced the musical changes. Once again, with the Spirit alive within us, our church became a light to the community with Music of praise and worship to our Lord Jesus Christ.
A Final Thought
Having deep roots in the Baptist denomination, having shared a Music Ministry during most of my adult life in the Presbyterian and United denominations, having shared many Catholic services with my husband’s family over 35 years, and finally, having been incredibly blessed over recent years with the teachings from a Pentecostal pulpit, I feel confident to share that at the end of the day even though our denominations have their differences I believe we are far more similar than we are different. I have personally experienced the Holy Spirit alive and present within each Baptist, Presbyterian, United, Catholic, and Pentecostal church. My Prayer is, may we sing together, may we continue to lift the name of Jesus above all others and may we continue to give praise and worship to our Lord Jesus Christ for all that He has done for us.
Please Help Me Share This Site
I am still working this website out and need people to partner with. If you feel led, please pass the word around about this site. I am not a social media socialite or media whiz, so I will greatly appreciate your help and any other ideas or thoughts you can share with me.
I also have business cards that I will be glad to pass on to you if you could help me put them out or up in various places.